

EenVandaag: Microplastics in het nieuws met Emma Kasteel

Het EU-verbod op microplastics in make-up laat nog jaren op zich wachten. Maar studies wijzen op het gevaar van de deeltjes, zegt toxicoloog Emma Kasteel. “De eerste aanwijzing is dat ze ontstekingen veroorzaken en effect hebben op de hormoonhuishouding.”

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Organophosphate insecticides disturb neuronal network development

We are happy to announce that our paper, titled ‘Organophosphate insecticides disturb neuronal network development and function via non-AChE mediated mechanisms’ has been published in NeuroToxicology! Here, we studied the effects of exposure to two widely used insecticides, chlorpyrifos and diazinon, and their -oxon metabolites. Our results show that these compounds can affect neuronal activity…

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Culture of Rat Cortical cells for MEA recordings

We are pleased to tell you that a shared paper from our group, titled ‘Culture of Rat Primary Cortical Cells for Microelectrode Array Recordings to Screen for Acute and Developmental Neurotoxicity’ has been published in Current Protocols in Toxicology! In this paper we provide a detailed protocol on the main method we use in the Neurotoxicology…

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